You Have Influence: Global Leadership Summit 2020

You Have Influence: Global Leadership Summit 2020


Each year I enjoy attending the Global Leadership Summit that is held virtually for leaders across the world! There were many inspirational and useful talks to help focus you mindset, energy and attention on what matters. With COVID still creating uncertainty, stress and challenges for many, leaders must continue to feed their minds with what will support them to stay positive, in motion and alert to adjustments that would be wise.  The Summit will be held again next year if you want to check it out. (Link(Note: when you get your tickets now, you can also get the ON DEMAND app that has recordings of all of the talks from this year.  The cost $129 which is very inexpensive for 2 days of great leadership training.)

Meanwhile, here are a few great books to dig into that can help fuel your leader mind and energy. (my tops are **)

  • *BETH COMSTOCK, a savvy leader and communicator talked about how to accelerate innovation. Her book: Imagine it Forward Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change
  • MARCUS BUCKINGHAM, a longtime favorite, and author of Standout, a great assessment and book to understand your “standout” attributes. His new book: Nine Lies About Work A Freethinking Leader’s Guide to the Real World.
  • **RORY VADEN, a coach I heard speak earlier this year. He has a great TED talk and helps leaders to consider MULTIPLYING your time.   (TED talk) His book: Procrastinate on Purpose 5 Permissions to Multiply Your Time
  • **VANESSA VAN EDWARDS, a brilliant “investigator” who studies the science of people.  This is about body language, communication, people skills and so much more. Her book: Captivate The Science of Succeeding with People
  • BISHOP T.D. JAKES, a motivational pastor and speaker, challenging leaders to widen how we see the world. His book: Crushing God Turns Pressure into Power
  • **AMY EDMONDSON, a sage leader, shares about psychological safety and the workplace. An important topic for leaders to understand and apply. Her book: The Fearless Organization Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth
  • MICHAEL TODD, a contemporary pastor that helped see how leaders can find pace when life, work and pressures are going at different speeds. An excellent talk, I would add to the top of a re-watch list. His book: Relationship Goals How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex
  • **DR. TOMAS CHAMORRO-PREMUZIC, a fascinating psychologist who shared more about understanding people. His book: The Talent Delusion Why Data, Not Intuition, is the Key to Unlocking Human Potential
  • LYSA TERKEURST, a faith based speaker who shared a human relevant message on the power of forgiveness. Her book: It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered
  • CRAIG GROESCHEL, pastor helping leaders to find a way to come out of the dip. His book: Dangerous Prayers Because Following Jesus was Never Meant to be Safe

The event is two full days and packed with content to help inspire your mind and move you to get into action with your life purpose and mission, to be a better leader and to encourage others to live in their highest potential. Check it out!
