Synergy Strategies was founded by Christy Geiger in 2002. The name represents two core concepts.
#1 SYNERGY: parts coming together in congruence, alignment and reciprocal momentum
#2 STRATEGIES: strategic planning thoughtfully put together to drive action that leverage people’s strengths, time, opportunities and needs to get results
As an Executive and Leadership Coaching Company, our desire is for leaders to find synergy and have strategies to advance themselves, their work and those they lead, creating a ripple effect duplicates in those they lead and the cause the serve. Our mission is to supports leaders to grow their skills from the inside out. We lead better when we know better.
This starts on the inside through knowing ourselves, our personal strengths, style and values, while also growing our emotional intelligence, mindset and critical thinking skills. As we grow and mature internally, it transforms how we show up externally. Our leadership is more effective as we make strong decisions, communicate clearly and more. As we are rigorous to continually learn, we raise the bar for ourselves and the impact we can have in the world. Great leaders are on a mission … not for themselves but to be their best so that those they lead and the mission they serve can be at its fullest potential.
Leadership 4.0… The world is constantly changing. As the landscape changes, our skills must also evolve.
The leadership skills needed 20 years ago are important, but NEW SKILLS are needed to lead in the modern era.
Dynamic, nimble, and human-centric leadership is more critical than ever before.
The answer is not to move faster but to change the way we lead.

Synergy Strategies is a personal and professional growth company, offering:
· 1-1 Coaching with Christy Geiger, a Master Certified Coach. Christy has supported 1000’s in the area of personal and professional growth. Synergy Strategies also offers coaching and training to support your leadership team to advance their skills, so your team is on the same page and operating with the same growth mindset.
· Trainings can support any leader or team member to dive deeper into a topic.
· Assessments are another part of our work because understanding your uniqueness allows you to lead with your personal strengths and leverage the team in their areas of their strength.
Dig into learning. Stay Connected:
· Follow us on social media
· Subscribe to the Synergy Leadership Blog
· Listen and follow the podcast (www.InnovativeLeader.co)
· Sign up for a complimentary Explore Coaching Call. See how coaching can support you to new levels of your leadership!
Our Philosophy
Name a professional athlete that does not have a coach. That would be absurd right? Those people are professionals because they are talented in their own right. They don’t need a coach to tell them how to play. They need a coach to keep them on the edge of their learning, seeing the big picture, the blind spots, and constantly pushing them to the next level. We are the professional sports coach for the mind.
Coaching will challenge you to think bigger (vision) and deeper (learn more about yourself) so you can continually develop and move forward toward your goals.

Our Operating Principles:
- Excellent client care – we treat all with care and respect
- Competency – we have training in our area of expertise
- Professionalism – we present ourselves in a professional manner
- Continuous improvement – we always seek to improve how we do things
- Clear communication – we err on the side of over-communication to be clear
Who We Are:
- Certified Co-Active Coaches (CPCC) (100% client/ 100% coach focused on you)
- Masters in Counseling; Marriage Family Therapist (understand psychology the mind and how people work)
- Action-oriented (vision, goals, plan, adjust)
- Available to support you in creative ways (e-mail, quick calls, etc.)
- Strategic thinkers – solution-oriented
- Runners – this is not a slow game
- Focused on you and your success
- Interested in a good fit (or will refer out)
- More training information
Clients I Partner With:
We believe everyone is a leader. Leadership starts with leading yourself and grows to leading others.
We coach leaders who desire to be their best self – high performing, growing and impacting.
- Busy Executives looking to maximize their performance and operate at full efficiency and potential
- Entrepreneurs & Business Owners starting, building or running small companies (professionals responsible for their own bottom line)
- Seeking Career Clarity to best use their strengths, gifts & talents and create a path to advance and impact
Christy has coached 100’s professionals in numerous industries. Our focus is not a line of business, rather the human psychology of people.
The following are a few types of professionals, leaders and companies Christy has worked with:
- CEO/Presidents
- CFO’s/Accountants
- CTO/IT Directors
- CMO/Marketing Leaders
- Consultants
- Coaches (aspiring to get established)
- Chiropractors
- MD Doctors
- Designers/Artists/Illustrators
- Engineers
- Entrepreneurs / Start-up
- Financial Industry
- Financial Planners
- Home Based Business Reps
- HR Directors & Managers
- IBO’s (Independent Business Owner)
- Insurance Agents
- Interior Decorators
- Investors
- Lawyers
- Landscape (owners, sales, management, etc.)
- Mangers
- Massage Therapists
- Nurses
- Non-profit agencies
- Pastors
- Professional Speakers
- Project Managers
- Psychologists
- Realtors
- Service Companies
- Students
- Sales Professionals
- Retail / Store Owners
- Traders
- Teachers
- Technology Companies
- Writers/Editors