What is your Brand Experience?

What is your Brand Experience?

“It takes more than a hat to be a cowboy.” This is a great quote from Seth Godin’s blog about brand. https://seths.blog/2009/12/define-brand/

While this blog post is almost 10 years old, 2009, the point continues to be relevant and increasing in truth. With the volume of “noise” in our world (information, marketing messages, etc.) the brand message has become even more important. With the speed of change, revisiting your brand and evolving it, is important. Many businesses had a “brand” as defined in older terms – meaning a design, logo or look/feel. In our world today, that is not enough. A great brand creates an experience and if a brand doesn’t have an experience, it isn’t really a brand.

The other day my husband and I were at a doctor’s appointment. Clearly, we were beyond our allotted time with the “doctor” (I ask too many questions), as the PA shifted engagement, stood by the door and answered questions shortly.  I commented about this and Mike responded, “Anytime you feel like you are just a cog in the wheel, you will likely feel a negative reaction.” This is all about the experience.  The brand roots much deeper than the “face” of the organization, to the experience within.  When organizations are caught in “production” mode but hold a “face” brand – there will be a gap … and the gap will tend to create a negative experience of feeling rushed, uncared for, used, utility, unimportant, etc. This transfers to the brand because the brand is the experience of the business or organization.

What do you want your user (client, patient, member, etc.) experience to be? How do you communicate this in your brand? What is your brand story? Are all the pieces consistent and congruent?

Your brand and experience is a great area to reflect on as you embark on a new year and carry your message and passion to serve the world with your work and gifts!

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