How to Speak More Powerfully

How to Speak More Powerfully

I believe they are all points that as humans we can snag our pants on from time to time depending on life and what is happening. They all spoke to me on some level – however, the first reminded me of some of the things I have been studying lately about the brain.

When we are in a state of fear, panic, or negativity, our thinking actually comes from a different part of our brain. When we are in that state, we are typically in our limbic system vs when we respond more rationally, we are thinking from the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which is the part of our brain where we are more positive, solution-focused, and balanced.  The first suggestion is to “Speak possibilities into life”, which is something we can only do when we are in a positive and solution-focused state. When we WANT to come up with solutions and are open to them. When we are in our limbic system we are more likely to be in the fight, flight, freeze, or freak mode and even when others try to help us it falls on deaf ears.  When you are showing up powerfully, when you are speaking powerfully, you have learned to manage yourself and operate from the PFC and will be able to see possibilities and have ideas for new ways to approach life – the good and the challenging. The next 4 points are also great – see which is your favorite!
