How to get Mental Recharge and Renewal?

How to get Mental Recharge and Renewal?

Recently I was asked, what do I do for mental renewal?  This is clearly different for everyone and there is a thin and maybe overlapping line between mental, emotional, physical and spiritual renewal. The most important thing is that  you are INTENTIONAL and have DESIGNED a regular plan to do something for this. To give some ideas, focus just on Mental Renewal, I:

  • Work in my area of strength (strategic thinking, figuring things out, human mind/behavior, psychology, arranging things in a way that make sense, doing things in an orderly fashion that is effective, brainstorming, clarifying things, taking a mass if ideas and distilling into a clear picture)
  • Work in my area of passion (supporting others to get what they want in life, to help people feel more clear and focused, help people understand themselves better, etc.)
  • Surround myself with like-minded people (positive, up-beat, energetic, can-do, prosperity thinkers, movers) (simply 3-4 key people)
  • Minimize time with people who are opposite of my energy (pessimistic, negative, glass 1/2 empty/ rainy day people)
  • Connect with people who are forward moving (i.e. friends, colleagues, my clients each day)
  • Live my values in all I do (work, home, volunteer, etc.) (connection to others, energy, authentic to my heart and soul, direction) 
  • Design my life (daily AM and PM habits: even though I do not follow them perfectly my pattern/systems propel me, have routines and habits that support the life I want (family, fun, contributing, etc.))
  • Design a strong environment (spend time in space that I love to be in, eliminate tolerations from my life, have serenity things I enjoy – a mulberry candle I burn daily, upbeat inspirational Christian music playing in my main area of my home, bird feeder outside my window to watch the birds, surrounded by books that inspire and challenge me, couch to rest and think when I need to focus, etc.)
  • Trust God – As a Christian, the Lord is my center and my rock my foundation is built on. It gives me confidence and conviction to know that He has given me all I have, I am living to use what He has given me for His benefit and He is ultimately all knowing and all powerful.

While meditation, quiet prayer/Bible study time, walks, and things like that are also helpful, I have found that is more about spiritual renewal. Some of the things above overlap with spiritual and emotional renewal, but I find they also heavily influence my mental renewal. I find if I dont do these things I can quickly check out of my mental game. I find that managing my “mental ” energy supports me to better manage the other energies.  My mental energy is heavily influenced by what I am surrounded by and my ability to take what is in me and share it. When I can do that I am stimulated, renewed and invigorated to be alert, refreshed and ready for more. The greater my renewal, the greater my capacity.

What do YOU do for mental renewal??
