How do you renew?

How do you renew?

The taste of salt in the air and water spraying my face meant I had been successful! I was riding in “The Seagull,” a rented sailboat, passing our getaway Oceanside Resort. It was majestic and beautiful. The landscape was captivating with palms and flowering greenery.  The pool and ocean sparkled, reflecting the radiance of the sun. The beach was full of activity, color, and life. I breathed deeply, enjoying the smells of this moment.

It was not easy! Often as a busy professional, leader and parent scheduling and taking time away felt like it was not worth it because it was so challenging to implement. At this moment, I knew it was worth the effort. My body relaxed as I continued to breathe deeply. My skin tingled as it received the freshness of the ocean mist and the fuel of the sun. I could hear laughter and feel the joy of the people around me. What a foreign concept relaxing had become! I was filled with gratitude for this moment, appreciating the ability and commitment to getting away. It was only day two and I could feel the stress melting. My mind wandered in curiosity, reflection, and openness. I was free from the typical driving schedule of calls, tasks, and demands. So refreshing! However, my mind started to plan what was going to happen the next few days and then I felt an internal nudge to just surrender and go with the flow. I let it go and closed my eyes to just be present in this sweet moment.

What does relaxation look like for you? What melts your stress? When was your last vacation? What inspires you to make downtime happen? Time away can seem like an impossible task to plan, afford and take, but it’s worth it and you need it to be at your best.
