Gain Time by Managing Your Energy (part 1)

Gain Time by Managing Your Energy (part 1)

You can’t get more time, but you can have more energy. Learn five simple strategies to gain more time through maximizing your energy.

In the book, The Power of Full Engagement, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz offer a paradigm for time management which focuses on leveraging energy rather than time. Loehr says, “The ultimate measure of our lives is not how much time we spend on the planet, but rather how much energy we invest in the time we have.”  Based on the authors’ concept of harnessing your energy to be in FULL ENGAGEMENT, here are some key strategies to help you to empty your plate and accomplish more:

1)  Manage your energy, not your time.

Start paying attention to your body. If you experience afternoon fatigue, consider the source: Is it your diet? Are you getting only a little sleep? “Pushing through” tasks when your energy is low causes ineffectiveness. When you’re sharp and focused, you can complete the job more quickly.

?        When do you have the most energy? Tackle hardest projects at that time.

?        When do you have the least? Take breaks. Schedule power naps, workout, or other activities that require less focus.

?        Consider what is zapping your energy. Are you doing things that are not in line with your values? Are you procrastinating? Identify the times that you have energy and times that you don’t. What are you doing differently?

2)  Downtime is key for your success.

While it would be great to run at 110% all the time, our bodies require food, rest and relaxation. Many successful people recommend one day a week that you do NO WORK, giving you more energy for the other six days of the week. Think of your body as a battery and your day off as the charger. Constantly unplugging it and using it will drain it, and you’ll never get fully charged if you keep unplugging the battery and using it. It takes three times as long to charge a dead battery than it does to keep it charged (and who wants to run out of juice mid-task), so don’t wait until you are dead; charge yourself weekly with downtime.

3) Rituals help to maintain focus.

When we are overwhelmed or overloaded, we operate less efficiently and waste time. The authors of The Power of Full Engagement recommend RITUALS for optimizing energy and time. Rituals set up a recurring time and pattern for needed tasks and behaviors. Coaches commonly suggest establishing 10 daily habits, or rituals, that support what you have to do anyway. By linking them together in a set time and pattern, you go on autopilot and accomplish them quickly and easily. Habits or rituals are daily tasks that take a short amount of time and add to your productivity, e.g., making to-do lists, confirming appointments, bill paying, clearing your desk, filing, returning phone calls, checking e-mail, drinking water, eating fruit, etc.

Christy Geiger, Executive Business Coach & Trainer, Minneapolis, MN
