Fear What? (part 2)

Fear What? (part 2)

So what causes these fears? Fears come when we feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event.  The situations we fear can be created in our minds or be real possibilities.  Nonetheless they cause us to pause or stop our forward movement toward achieving what we desire.  The fears I am referencing are often subconscious and not directly thought of as the reason why we are not in action. We can try to mask these fears by making excuses, blaming others for the situation or convincing ourselves that we don’t have to face the fear. 
Some of these fears are “soft” fears, meaning more emotionally based and at times difficult to identify.  These might include fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, fear of loss, fear of the unknown, fear of reputation, etc.  Other fears are “hard” fears meaning they are more concrete and tangible.  These might include fear of snakes, dogs, small places, heights, etc.
The “soft” fears are often what stand in our way of achieving our potential.  At times we ignore them, at other times we talk our way out of or around them.  Here’s my challenge to you.  Identify something that you know you should or could be doing, but aren‘t.  Honestly ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?”. Once you’ve identified your fears, ask, “What do I need to overcome them?”.  Some fears can be overcome by simply identifying the subconscious limitations. Other fears require just pushing through them with the help of others to realize that, despite our emotions, the reward is much greater than the risk or accountability.  Some fears are overcome by gaining knowledge about the process through personal reading or discussions with others who have faced similar fears allowing you to gain tips, tricks and wisdom.  Some fears may need professional counseling to overcome. 
Identify and begin to overcome your fears today.  Beyond fear is a bold and powerful place where your potential comes alive, your confidence sores and you open yourself up to your next level.