We have an option with our character, however … because it is all about choices. In his blog, 9 Little Character Tests That Tell You Way Too Much About Yourself, this writer shares great insight and thoughts. I often read Carey in support of the ministry world where I volunteer. This article was great…. to help take inventory of your character … granted it can change depending on stress level and situation, but take this food for thought the next time you are at one of these crossroads! 😉
Carey shares the following “9 Every Day Things That Reveal Way Too Much About Your Character”
- What you think when someone takes ‘your’ parking spot
- How you react to slow internet
- The gap between what you think and what you say when someone compliments you
- How you respond to critics
- What you tell yourself when you make a mistake
- How you react when someone overfills the trash…and doesn’t take it out
- Your social media voice
- How you react to other people’s social media voice
- How you return the shopping cart
For an explanation of these things read the full article at: https://careynieuwhof.com/9-

- Tags: Self-Aware Leader