Tag: success

Upskill your success

7 Areas to Learn and Upskill Your Success Recipe

Learning from others is one of the best ways to be open to new and different ways of doing things and to upskill your success. It can lead to healthy self-reflection around how I might do things and if there are upgrades I can make to operate more efficiently or

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We have thousands of thoughts a day. It is said that roughly 95% of thoughts are UNCONSCIOUS, 80% of thoughts are negative, and 90% of thoughts are the same as yesterday.  What does this mean? We are not aware of the many negative thoughts we repeatedly have every day. It takes

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THE INNOVATIVE LEADER PODCAST WITH CHRISTY GEIGER AND DAVID PHILLIPS How do you as a leader set your people up for success? In this episode, Christy and David talk about how to make things clear and smoothen out the path for your team to reach their highest level of success

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You might be getting tired of the constant talk of change, uncertainty and stress in the world today. It can cause people to feel tired, overwhelmed and unmotivated to set goals and strive for success.

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Am I Successful? Check-up

How do you define success? Dr. Travis Bradberry recently quoted in his article 9 Signs You’re Successful—Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It that, “67% defined success as ‘good relationships with friends and family,’ and 60% said it is loving what you do for a living, only 20% stated that monetary wealth determines success.”

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What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Book Review

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith came out several years ago but remains a great choice for any growing professional. If you feel you have hit a ceiling or lid in your career, have moved up the ladder or up the ranks done well and

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SEVEN Suggestions for Success in Business

As you reflect on your 2016 and your plans for next year… what will you do different? Access these 7 suggestions for business success. Maybe even rate yourself 0-5 in each area. What did you do well in 2015 that supported these tips? What do you want to do different

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Five Simple Steps to Create Greater Success

Here are 5 simple steps to create greater success by managing our time and getting things done in business and life that are important. We live in a busy world where our time, priorities and energy are constantly challenged so have a game plan to help…. EVALUATE. What do I

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Roadblocks to Goal Success (part 2)

I have goals, but don’t seem to reach them? Why? Lack of a plan. In the book “Goals” by Brian Tracy, he tells the story about 2 deserts and how people died crossing to get from one town to another because they lost perspective in the middle of the dessert

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Roadblocks to Goal Success (part 1)

Goal setting often gets a bad rap as people have tired and been unsuccessful at setting goals. Do not despair. Try, try, try and try again. Each time you will develop a stronger discipline, focus and skills for goal success. Here are some roadblocks people run into with their goals

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