Tag: focus

5 Emotional Reset Activities

It is so easy to get emotionally tanked with the ups and downs of leadership. I am determined to not be overcome by my emotions. I am committed to staying in a strong but supportive place because this allows me to lead well.

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5 Steps to Creating Your Milestones

The topic of Milestones is a favorite because it is a key to success and traction. Often people set their goals and just have that single focus in front of them. That is awesome to be focused on your goal, however, without milestones, it can be hard to feel success

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How to Focus to Execute Well

“Do you want it right or do you want it on time?” Can things be done correctly and on time? When an organization has clarity around its goals and is focused, both quality and time can be attainable deliverables. I know it sounds easier said than done. However, by coaching

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How to prepare for Your Winning Season!

Are you winning your game? Are you playing at peak performance? Do you feel like you are sometimes on the court, but more often on the bench, in the bleachers, or (even worse) at the concession stands? There is a concept called “pattern language” which means taking language and concepts

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How To Eliminate the Inessential

“Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.” — Leo Babauta TIP: How do you do this? Make a list of everything you do in a week (or month). You can focus on your business or your whole life. Then go back and rate each item as

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Building Your Focus (part 3)

TOOL #2: Work in Projects. Google does not really have job descriptions or an organizational chart… which puts you in a box or labels you. It does not set you up for GOOD work. Google runs on projects and empowers people to do it to their best. i.e. cutting the

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Building Your Focus (part 2)

Great Work defined as: meaningful, engaging, proud of it, makes a difference and impact. It is work that matters. None of us are doing as much great work as we would like to do. Generally there is a hunger to do more great work. We want this because it is

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Building Your Focus (part 1)

Here are some notes from the class I was on today – thought you might enjoy!  Beyond Overwhelm – Building your own Focus Muscle from Michael Bungay Stanier Today I was on a teleclass with Michael Stanier. Here are a few notes and things gleaned from him. Question: On a

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