Coaching Structure

Coaching is a dynamic relationship on the phone or Skype/Zoom.  Coaching sessions are one-on-one to allow for a personal provocative conversation to deepen your learning AND forward your action, providing you greater clarity, focus, and a clear plan of action to accomplish your goals. Engagements are 3-6 months to develop a key skill or on-going to support and advance your leadership over time. Coaching is a relationship and partnership – while the coaching rates are determined for the program picked for the month, it is really a “retainer” for the coaching engagement for the month.

How long does coaching take?

While it would be nice if coaching were a defined 10-step process, the reality is everyone is different and it would not be fair to wedge you into a box 10-step process. Coaching meets you where you are. Assessing what are your strengths and your style, what is needed, the gap, and a plan to grow to meet the demands in front of you.

Since coaching is a process of personal and professional growth and development, it is organic and directly connected to your commitment to the process and your ability to take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Your growth and speed in which you learn and develop is directly connected to what you bring to the coaching call (honestly, self-awareness, ability to challenge yourself to grow by talking about meaningful topics that are really growth areas, etc.), your follow-up on doing coaching work outside the calls which support what was discussed in the coaching call, and your commitment to deep-dive learning in reading books, listening to podcasts and audios on topics that support and accelerate your learning and transformation. 

What is your goal? 

  • Develop a Skill: Some people come to coaching for a specific personal growth skill or topic they want to develop or improve. This coaching often can be done well in a period of weekly coaching for 12 weeks. 
  • Raise your Level of Leadership: Most leadership coaching however is more on-going and a commitment to growing as a leader and upgrading a way of thinking, operating and leading. Therefore this coaching often can last for a year or several years, as long as the leader is growing and it is supportive to them operating at their highest potential. 

Coaching Rates

Based on your objectives, schedule and finances, together, we pick a path that will best support you to achieve your goals. The packages below are framed by the frequency of coaching calls, and creates a “retainer” for the coaching partnership for the month

  • Pace/Frequency: Weekly and bi-weekly coaching is key to getting traction and momentum.  Generally, leaders start with weekly coaching to get a solid foundation and then executives and high performing leaders stay at weekly coaching, while smaller business owners and general leaders often meet 2x a month. Monthly coaching is useful to ensure you are maintaining the structures, mindset and rhythms that have been created. Once picking a frequency we find a recurring time to meet; at the end of each month we confirm coaching for the next month. 
  • When: Coaching is scheduled and paid for prior to the month in which it is received.
  • Payment: Coaching is paid for by check or credit card via PayPal.  

Monthly Retainer after Initial Program – 50 minute coaching session via phone (includes coaching follow-up notes)

Maintainer: 1 session/month


Runner: 2 session/month


Mover: 3 session/month


Driver: 4 session/month


Sessions include session notes, e-mail, and text support between

Pick your monthly pace

Each month you can pick the retainer that best supports your goals and time. Generally, in our explore call we determine which pace will support you to achieve your goals based on your desires but the pace can be adjusted as needed, month to month. 


Busy Executive or Business Leader/ Owners who have tons of things going on to always be leading forward. You are serious about growth and strategic thinking; you are visionaries and always working to stay at the top of your game.  You juggle lead the organization, developing the team, advancing business, AND keeping your EI and leadership skills sharp.


Weekly 55-min coaching (4x in a month) Session Notes Text & email support
Schedule Coaching


Leaders looking to develop a skill or Executives who are dedicated to growth who want to meet frequently but due to travel or an unusual schedule, coaching is planned for 3x a month with one week off to give flexibility for other strategic endeavors.


Weekly 55-min coaching (3x in a month) Session Notes Text & email support
Schedule Coaching


Business owners and leaders often like this rhythm of coaching 2x a month. It is frequent enough to develop and grow in an area but allows a week between calls to practice and implement concepts, ideas, and skills that are being developed. The “Runner” moves between strategic thinking and implementing, so this allows the leader to come to coaching for the strategic planning and development, with a way off to put concepts into practice.


Weekly 55-min coaching (2x in a month) Session Notes Text & email support
Schedule Coaching


Once a leader has designed and gotten their rhythms to a level that works well, they might reduce coaching to monthly while making sure these new habits, systems and skills stick or they might use coaching as simple accountability to maintain general big picture focus and planning.


Weekly 55-min coaching (1x in a month) Session Notes Text & email support
Schedule Coaching

Advance Your Leadership From THE INSIDE OUT

Get started today; Explore Coaching

In your Complimentary Explore Coaching Call we will explore:

* what you would like to accomplish through coaching  

* do a little dynamic coaching ( usually happens naturally as we are going through the explore questions) 

* discuss a direction/plan if we were coaching, that we would focus / work, 

* discuss any questions you may have  

QUESTIONS TO PREPARE for the Explore Call:

* What is going on in your life today that brought you to coaching? 

* What expectations and results are you seeking from coaching?

* How would your life be impacted if you achieved the results you are seeking?

* What are the biggest challenges you are facing right now to overcome in order to reach these goals/achieve these results?

* What would you want/need from your coach to help make these goals/results a reality?

Not ready for coaching?
Check out these other ways to get started on your growth

To supplement your coaching and accelerate your learning or provide training for your leaders or team – check out our ASSESSMENTS & TRAINING PROGRAMS


  • DISC assessment and review $300
  • Strengths assessment and review $300

Advance Your Leadership From THE INSIDE OUT

Get started today; Explore Coaching