Tag: neuroleadership

Things go south


THE INNOVATIVE LEADER PODCAST WITH DAVID PHILLIPS AND CHRISTY GEIGER (www.InnovativeLeader.co) What do we do when things go south? In this episode of the Innovative Leader, we talk about leadership awareness and how to navigation of the frontal lobe (sage) vs limbic system (lizard). Emotions are real, and play a very

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The Key to High Performance

Sometimes in our 24/7, on the go society … we look and focus on ways we can increase our learning, habits, and performance. Downtime and mindfulness can seem like the opposite rhythm than the quick, efficient, and striving energy of achievement. Neuroscience helps us understand what is critical for our minds to be at their best, which directly impacts our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. This “downtime” of mindfulness is actually critical for building gray matter and the balanced sage perspective that offers us greater wisdom, guidance, and emotional intelligence.

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